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Antibacterial amino acid Schiff base copper complexes can be synthesized quickly and easily.

Using microwave irradiation, researchers create antibacterial amino acid derivatives of Schiff base copper complexes in less than 10 minutes.

Antibacterial amino

Researchers have recently discovered that metal complex derivatives of Schiff bases can act as antioxidants, antimicrobials, and anticancer agents, sparking renewed interest in the biological activity of Schiff bases. Studies have shown that amino acid Schiff base copper (Cu) complexes have the most promising antimicrobial properties among these compounds; however, the reaction time required to create these compounds can range from hours to days.

A team of researchers led by Professor Takashiro Akitsu from the Tokyo University of Science reported a two-step synthesis procedure that produced amino acid Schiff base Cu (II) complexes in less than 10 minutes in Applied Microbiology on June 18, 2022! Dr. Estelle Léonard and Dr. Antoine Fayeulle of ESCOM, TIMR (Integrated Transformations of Renewable Matter), Centre de Recherche Royallieu, University of Technology of Compiègne, France, were part of the team.

"Amino acid Schiff base Cu (II) complexes have the potential to be used as antimicrobial agents, but their wider applications are limited by traditional synthesis methods, which can take several hours or even days. Our research aims to address this issue by making the synthesis process easier "Prof. Akitsu comments on the study's rationale.

"Traditional synthesis methods, which can take several hours or even days, limit the potential applications of amino acid Schiff base Cu (II) complexes as antimicrobial agents. Our research aims to solve this problem by making the synthesis process simpler "Prof. Akitsu offers his thoughts on the study's rationale.

The compounds were tested against various bacteria to determine their antibacterial properties. They discovered that one- and two-chlorine substituted complexes were more effective against bacteria, with particularly strong activity against E. coli, than molecules with no chlorine groups. The researchers also discovered light antioxidant properties in the one- and two-chlorinated complexes. The team plans to test the toxicity of these compounds on kidney, liver, and skin cells in the future.

This novel synthesis method reduces global reaction time, improves reaction conditions, and yields high purity products with promising antibacterial activity. The findings of this study can be used to develop fast and simple synthesis techniques for biologically active amino acid derivatives of Schiff base metal complexes. "Bacterial infectious diseases pose a significant risk to public health. Our research aims to help improve health-care systems in developing countries that are frequently hit by infectious epidemics "Prof. Akitsu concludes.

Source: Materials provided by Tokyo University of Science

Reference: DOI: 10.3390/applmicrobiol2020032
