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9 Tips from Brand Experts

9 Tips from Brand Experts

We talk all the time about how to build a successful brand. So we have found that the best to share our tips and tricks from the brand building experts, not only to give you the knowledge about this tedious process but also to make you something extraordinary.

Tips from Brand Experts
9 Tips from Brand Experts

Many people think that building brands are about designing an elegant advertising banner or creating an attractive one, but it is - as you might expect - much more complex and comprehensive than that.

Building brands in the process of building unified experiences for both customers and employees, from the visual and marketing system to the management system. 

This includes choosing the colors of your brand's visual identity, the way you address customers, and even the experience of using its website.

In this and more, we cover top tips and tricks from brand-building experts to cover everything you need to know to build an unparalleled brand and create endless opportunities.

1. Respond to your customer's needs

Directive Marketing Consulting Company's Marketing Manager Advice, Hannah Mance:

As a marketer or entrepreneur, you are always in the cockpit. You know the ins and outs of everything about the brand, and you're almost completely immersed in it.

  • The client, on the other hand, is not. You can think of it as sitting in the passenger section, it doesn't mean much to your brand or what you offer in relation to the value (ie the destination) you are going to give it to.
  • So you have to unite your efforts to be able to meet the client wherever he is. That is, to go where you think you will find it according to market research and identification of the target audience, the brand in its origin is a response to the need of customers.
  • It doesn't matter how many adjustments and improvements you need to make to your marketing plan or anything else that fits that need. Because if you don't, they probably won't have to pick you.

2. Harmony is everything

Advice from business coach and marketing strategy maker Safiya Sator:

Harmony is your key to creating an integrated brand.

  • Not only in the aesthetics such as the choice of colors, the choice of brand fonts, shapes, visual systems and the like, but also the harmony in the message and narrative you are trying to convey to your audience. Or, let's say: harmony between all the elements of your brand—image, marketing, narrative, and service.

  • A large part of your brand lies in its message, and it defines everything else, and hereby brand message we mean its great value, and the purpose of its creation.

  • These values ​​and goals (the message we mean) should be your starting point in any activity or effort you undertake, from designing a brand identity that emulates these values, the way you engage with customers, the quality of service, and even beyond. Sales services.

  • Your audience should have a unified and clear idea of ​​the value they receive the first time they interact with your company and every time.

3. Be Infinitely Unique

Roger West, Director of Marketing, Diane Callahan's advice:

There is only one way to do things now, and that is courage.

  • Your fear will cause all the wrong or possibly outdated decisions, or clients no longer convinced of it or its effectiveness.

  • Create a unique tone for your brand that highlights its identity and personality. Let your company be cheerful in a serious field, or liberal in a disciplined or limited field. Don't make it your goal to resemble the mainstream, the secret of your success may be in this basic difference.

  • And even if you don't want to be different, that's okay. The important thing is to be independent and, most importantly, to be completely honest and passionate about what you do - even if it doesn't make everyone happy.

  • In fact, you shouldn't even try to make everyone happy, as long as you know exactly how to make your target audience happy for the sake of which you built this brand. Let their satisfaction be your motivator, and don't be surprised by others, as long as you have that target group that understands you, appreciates what you offer and responds to you.

4. Be loyal to your customers

Advice from author and brand strategist Pete Canalechio:

The secret to brands' success lies not in what they tell their customers, but rather what their customers say to each other. And if you want to achieve success in any way, let them have an exceptional experience with you, so that they themselves become loyal and loyal to your brand.

  • The difference here is that instead of constantly telling them about your brand, let your brand itself be loyal and encouraging to them. Tell the world about your customers, how much you value them, and show gratitude for your experiences with them.

  • Not only will your customers feel grateful, but they will feel important and influential. It's a human instinct, you know. There they begin to share it — as an entity, products, and services — with their trusted circles, telling them about your employees as a way to thank them personally.

5. Be a leader in your field

Advice from Nexus Growth Coaching CEO Clint Tippi:

Leadership and excellence in competitive markets and gaining the trust and loyalty of your customers in it does not come from wishful thinking or because you desire it. The only way to get your customers interested is to show that you care about what really matters to them.

  • The content is the password. Content marketing or creating smart content marketing is what makes your brand appear as an expert with valuable information they want to share with others.

  • Publishing articles, clips, case studies, e-books, and infographics are code that tells search engines that you know what your customer is thinking, and that you want to let them know first and not sell them randomly.


  • Search engines value their users, and they value those who value them. So, with this strategy, you will find yourself rising on its scores to occupy first place for free.

  • This ranking or OragnicTraffic brings you valuable customers who are willing to buy - or at least share your content - and ... at a lower cost.

  • Create content that answers your target audience's questions, or breaks down the obstacles and challenges they face. Monitor competitors' content, and think of ways to deliver better and higher quality.

  • And always be your goal in educating and educating your audience, so that you gain their attention and respect.

6. Make your brand stand out

Advice from Imaginaire Digital's Director of Marketing, Charlie Worrall:

Turn your brand into a human personality with flexible traits, and try to stay away as much as possible from those overly formal traits.

  • This helps you create and present a character that clients can relate to psychologically, emotionally, and even want to be a part of and belong to.

  • There is nothing worse than your customers finding themselves facing a company without an identity or personality that interacts with them the way they prefer, understands their needs, and most importantly responds to them.
  • Keeping yourself - your brand by which we mean - personal, accessible and flexible in interaction is your only way to win broad and loyal audiences

7. Read what your customers have in mind

Advice from author and global director of Burson Cohn & Wolfe Jim Joseph

Although this point is sensitive, it remains extremely important.

  • Whether your target community - people and location - is going through a stressful or exhilarating situation, your company needs to act consciously and cautiously during these times.
  • Don't expect a country to experience an earthquake, for example, and people in a panicky state giving a presentation on a coffee machine.
  • It is necessary to have an honorable and honest position in these places, and it is not necessary for your position to be annoying to any of the parties - especially if there is any political or social activity going on in the arena.
  • Choose occasions that are also important to your clients and show them a clear attitude and support. Of course, we can't tell you exactly what to do, but always be positive and be careful.

8. Put your customers at the center

Advice from Danny Bevy, owner of One Week:

First, make sure that your message on your website or on any medium of your brand does not confuse your audience. Of course, this starts with getting a clear picture of who that audience is, and what they want - and appreciate - to receive from the brand they are dealing with.

  • If you know exactly who your audience is, your website - and anything else - will support and cater to their needs. It is important to put your customers in the spotlight, to be the stars and heroes for whom you create and improve everything for them.
  • Many companies focus only on themselves and not on customers. But the wisdom is to combine the troubles and needs of this customer to explain the existence and establishment of the company from the beginning of the problem to the solution, and thus appear reliable and understandable to them.

9. Think of the customer in everything you do

Ford Media Lab CEO advice, Rachel Ford:

All of your strategies, whether it's social media marketing, visual identity creation, or something else, must start with one thing, your customer.

  • Make sure you know exactly who and where they are, what matters to them and why. These are the questions on which everything, real or digital, depends.

  • You must align all your activities and events with your digital strategy. If you are launching a show or event that is full of fun and celebration, you should set it up where it will be easy for your audience to find it and create their own content and share it for you themselves.

  • Give your customers a reason to care, and you've achieved the difficult triple equation: company value, customer value, and great social media content that drives customers' interest; Because they were part of his creation.

In the end, there are endless ways, tips, and tricks from brand-building experts to create a solid one. Fortunately, there is only one correct way. This means that with the help of others' experiences, you will be able to craft the strategy and framework that best suits your company itself.
