PDF is one of the formats we use almost daily, this frequent use sometimes leads us to want to edit this document. In this case, editing PDF files has never been easier although converting to another format like Word is necessary for certain circumstances. Fortunately, there are many free solutions online available for us to modify or extract data from a PDF file. In this article, you will find a list of the best sites and programs that provide a free conversion service from PDF to other formats ready to work on, which we discover in the rest of the lines of the article.
The site offers no less than 44 tools completely free online, you can convert files from PDF to many supported formats (PDF to DOC, PDF to JPG, etc.), convert documents, e-books, and photos to PDF, merge and split files into the same format And many other options, PDFCandy is also available for a desktop version for Windows 10, 8.1 / 8, 7 and Vista users
iLovePDF is an online tool that offers no less than 20 tools for working with your PDF files, all tools are completely free and easy to use, you only need to click on the tool you want, and then you download your file (Word, Excel, PowerPoint or JPG) and Once your file is ready all you have to do is download it, the site's advantage is that you can delete your file from iLovePDF servers at any time by clicking on the small recycle bin icon.
Like the tool mentioned above, Smallpdf can also help you compress, convert, merge and split your PDF files just like other PDF tools, no need to install any software, everything happens in your browser. Your file transfers are encrypted and your documents are automatically deleted from Smallpdf's servers once your procedures are complete, the only downside is that the site offers two free attempts per hour,
For unlimited use, you will need to subscribe to a monthly plan that includes two types of subscriptions: 5 € per month for unlimited use, batch processing and no ads or 7.50 € per month for the same options mentioned above with the additional ability to work on your PDFs offline and get a PDF reader.
PDF2GO is another very useful tool for editing and converting PDF files from any browser, within a few seconds you can convert your PDF files into images, presentations, or Microsoft Word documents. The best thing about it is that the tool also allows users to edit PDF files, including merging, splitting, page rotation, reducing document size, aspect ratio, and much more.
HiPDF is another free and easy-to-use online platform to convert your files to PDF, no registration or download is required to convert your document into a PDF file, all you have to do is upload it to the platform, then wait a few seconds for the conversion to complete and in excellent quality, and the website also performs Permanently delete the file from its servers after it is finished.